Community Clothing

From Thursday the 5th of March, until Sunday the 8th Community Clothing ran a pop up sample sale on Kings Street in Manchester.
Community Clothing are a brand who's manifesto is to design for the community while working with the community. From the people who buy the clothes, to the people who model them and even the people who work in the factories to make them, the brand ensures that their work is community based which also helps to ensure that production and manufacturing is monitored and complying with ethical standards.
Each of the models who are featured in each issue of the magazine are locally based and part of the community, from students to farmers or bowlers to chippy workers. Community clothing celebrates diversity and companionship around the towns where they make their clothes.
Throughout the weekend, the brand were selling samples of clothing that are made to test shape, size, colour, style and fit before the construction of the final garment that would be sold online. These pieces were sold at discounted price to keep the companies overall cost at a minimum as well as its wastage to avoid anymore unnecessary landfill pollution.
By Leigh Deans 



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